Wednesday, November 16, 2022

My money & My time

I've been told a lot lately that I spend to much money on things that don't matter, my hair, lashes and nails to just name the top complaints. Being a red head is a massive thing, maybe a visit to the salon if I am lucky once a month but if I use the wrong products and they strip my color then I am going more and more. My eyelashes last me about three weeks again if I take care of them but if I don't then I have to book an earlier appointment. Why am I defending myself is what runs through my head constantly so here I am putting it in writing so that if anyone else is like me they can see that they aren't shallow or vain. I do these things because they force me to spend time on myself. When you give yourself to others day in and day out you begin to feel your mind and body falling apart so when I am sitting in the salon chair laughing with my hair girl or having the greatest nap at my lash techs studio then I am adding water back to my cup. I know no matter what my reasons are that people will always find something to say about me but that's great, for them. I cant please everyone and I am finally able to stand on my own two feet and say enough. When I take the time to love on myself it makes the demons in my head disappear, not forever but this past year I have been able to grow and I am loving the woman I am becoming more and more each day. She isn't the doormat that a lot of people are used to and I am enjoying the shock when they realize who I am now. So deep breath and know that's its okay to spend money on yourself and to block time out of your insane life for yourself! Like T- Shift said What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine!

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